Minor variation for a premises licence or club premises certificate

Variations to a premises licence or a club premises certificate that could not impact adversely on the licensing objectives may be subject to a simplified ‘minor variation’ process.

Variations that could impact adversely on the licensing objectives are subject to the variation process:

Refer to Chapter 8 of the statutory guidance or contact the licensing office by email - licensing@wirral.gov.uk. 




Apply for a minor variation

Applications must be advertised for a period of 10 working days, starting on the day after the application was given to the licensing authority.

Applicants are required to advertise their application according to the relevant regulations: 

Use the template notice to advertise your application:

Attachments required

Processing and timescales

Applications must be determined within 15 working days of receipt. Comments can be made by Responsible Authorities or interested parties within the first 10 working days.

Legislation and guidance

Licensing Act 2003

The Licensing Act 2003 (Premises Licences and Club Premises Certificates) (Miscellaneous Amendments) Regulations 2009

Revised guidance issued under section 182 of Licensing Act 2003

Statement of Licensing Policy


There are no grounds to appeal against refused applications for a minor variation. An applicant may re-apply with a revised minor variation application or a full variation application.