Getting support for adults

If you are an adult, aged 18 or over, and find it difficult to perform some day-to-day tasks, you may qualify for care and support. You might be struggling as a result of age, illness, disability or any significant change in your life.

There is a variety of support available to help people stay independent and get the most out of life. This could come from the council or from other professional care providers. You can choose from a range of services that meet your needs. Support can be:

  • non-residential, where you are cared for in your own home or parts of your home are altered so it’s easier for you to manage
  • residential, where you receive round-the-clock attention in a care home or nursing home

How to decide what support you need

To decide on the best support for you, you must first carry out a needs assessment.

A needs assessment is free of charge and will identify your specific needs, based on:

  • your health and safety
  • your ability to manage personal and daily routines
  • your independence
  • your wellbeing
  • your ability to make your own choices

You can do this for yourself or on behalf of someone you know. The assessment can also be used by professionals such as doctors or care workers. This will allow us to determine what help you may need. This could range from simple advice and information to complex support needs.

Once the assessment is completed:

  • we'll give you immediate information about services, advice and guidance
  • we'll determine if you are likely to need ongoing support; a financial assessment will then be undertaken to establish if you need to contribute to your care costs
  • we'll direct you to a more appropriate source to deal with your request, if the council is not able to help

Find out about local services that can help you

Wirral InfoBank is a website where you can find local services that can help you to live independently. This includes groups and organisations that can help with your care and day to day needs such as shopping and getting out and about.

Emergency support

If services are required urgently, a social care professional can provide a temporary service without a needs assessment. 

Monday to Friday 8.50am to 5pm

Call the Central Advice and Duty Team: 0151 606 2006

Outside of these hours

Call the Emergency Duty Team on 0151 677 6557

If the situation is very serious and you or a vulnerable adult is at immediate risk of harm, you should call the police on 999.