New Local Plan

New Local Plan

A new Local Plan is being prepared to shape the future of the borough between 2021 and 2037.

Wirral Local Plan - Consultation on Main Modifications

Further to the examination hearing sessions held between April and November 2023, the Council is inviting comments on the Main Modifications considered necessary to make the submitted Wirral Local Plan 2021 – 2037 sound and/or legally compliant. The Main Modifications are put forward without prejudice to the Inspectors final conclusions on the Local Plan, which will take account of all the comments received before finalising their report to the Council. 

The consultation documents can be viewed below: 

Proposed Changes to the Policies Map 

Consultation will take place over a 6-week period starting at 10am on Wednesday 25 September 2024. 

The Council has also published a schedule of Additional Modifications:

Comments on this schedule will be collected and made available for the Inspectors to view.  The Council does not consider that the Additional Modifications are necessary to ensure the soundness or legal compliance of the Local Plan. 

The Council has also published, for ease of reference, a Tracked Change Version of the Local Plan:

This is so that the Main Modifications and Additional Modifications can be read in context.  In the eventuality that there is any difference between the tracked change version and the Schedules of Main Modifications and Additional Modifications, the Schedules are to be referred to. 

Comments at this stage should only be made in relation to the effect of the Main Modifications, Additional Modifications and Proposed Changes to the Policies Map. Comments should not be made in relation to other aspects of the submitted Local Plan.  

Comments on the Main Modifications and their related documents should be submitted in writing on the Response Form provided below and must be received at one of the addresses below no later than 5pm on Friday 08 November 2024.  Comments received after this deadline will not be accepted.

By email to:   


By post to:    

Wirral Local Plan - Main Modifications 
Wirral Council 
PO Box 290 
CH27 9FQ  

Please note that any comments you submit and your name will be made available for the public to view and cannot be treated as confidential.  

If you require any further information, please contact the Council’s Forward Planning Team by e-mail at or by telephone on 0151 691 8235.   

Please also see our guide to the modifications to the Local Plan:

View the guide to the modifications to the Local Plan 

Further information about the submitted Local Plan, the examination and the examination hearings can also be viewed at 

Paper copies of the consultation documents can also be viewed in all public libraries within the Borough during their normal opening hours, where paper copies of the Response Form will also be available. Details of your nearest public library, including opening times, can be viewed at: 

Local Plan Submission and Independent Examination

The Wirral Local Plan 2021 to 2037 Submission Draft was submitted to the Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities for independent examination on 26 October 2022.

For further information on the examination please visit the dedicated Wirral Local Plan Examination webpage

For further information on previous stages please visit the page on the publication of the Submission Draft Local Plan for representations which took place in May 2022.

Consultation on the Submission Draft Local Plan

Documents published for representations

In May 2022 the council published the following documents for representations to be made:

A range of other supporting documents, background papers and evidence studies which have informed or explain the council’s approach to preparing various parts of the Plan were also available.

View the current Wirral Local Plan evidence base


Policies WS6, RA1, RA3, RA4, RA5, RA6, RA7, RA9, RA10, RA11, WP4 and WP6 of the Local Plan Submission Draft set out requirements for development within a series of areas to conform with masterplans which have been endorsed by the Council.

The preparation of masterplans for these areas is key to regeneration, place making, and ensuring comprehensive development.  Further details of these masterplan areas can be viewed here

View further information on masterplan areas