Latest news about the Wirral Local Plan Examination will appear on this page:
Representors and interested parties are reminded that documents are added to the examination library throughout the examination and they should check this page regularly as not all documents will have a Latest News entry.
13 March 2025
The report of the Planning Inspectors can be viewed below:
20 December 2024
The responses to the Main Modification consultation have been added to the Examination Library. If you wish to view these please follow the link below:
View the Consultation Responses to Wirral Local Plan Main Modifications webpage
25 September 2024
The post-hearing modifications to the submitted Local Plan have been published for consultation and can be viewed on the Council’s website at The deadline for comments to be received is 5pm on Friday 8 November 2024.
22 March 2024
The following documents have been added to the examination library:
DSH45 to DSH51
04 March 2024
The following document has been added to the examination library:
Please note, the Inspectors are not inviting comments from representors to this document.
06 November 2023
The following document has been added to the examination library:
If you are participating in the remaining hearing sessions, please would you check that you are recorded properly on the draft hearing programme and inform the Programme Officer if any changes are required. Please note, only those listed on the hearing programme will be sent an electronic invitation for the virtual hearing sessions.
The following document has also been added to the examination library:
The following document in the examination library has been updated:
01 November 2023
Please be advised that Matter 9 Issue 8, Irby, Thingwall, Pensby, Heswall and Gayton, settlement area 7 (SA7) due to take place on Wednesday 1 November 2023 will now start at 10:00.
26 October 2023
Interested parties should be aware that there have been a number of changes to the hearing programme. Accordingly, the following documents have been added to the examination library:
The changes to the programme that have taken place are:
- Matter 9 Issue 9, Area-based policies, settlement area 8, Rural Area will now start at approximately 11:00.
- There will no longer be a hearing session on Matter 9, Area-based policies, any remaining points.
- An additional Matter 8 hearing session has been added to the hearing programme on Wednesday 8th November 2023.
- Week 8 sessions will now be held virtually. This includes Matter 10, other detailed policies, monitoring and policies map and Additional Matter 8 -Delivery, Questions 8 and 9 (not including employment).
- Reserve Week 9 is no longer required.
All virtual hearings will be livestreamed and recorded.
If you are participating in the remaining hearing session, please would you check that you are recorded properly on the draft hearing programme and inform the Programme Officer if any changes are required. Please note, only those listed on the hearing programme will be permitted to speak at the hearings.
If you wish to discuss any of these changes or require further clarification, please contact the Programme Officer.
24 October 2023
The following document has been added to the examination library:
Please note that the hearing programme has been updated to include an additional Matter 8 - Delivery hearing session programmed for 09:30 8th November 2023. If after reading the Inspectors’ note you believe you should have been invited to this session but have not, please contact the Programme Officer immediately.
10 October 2023
The following document has been added to the examination library:
The Inspectors have issued the document above to assist with the smooth running of the forthcoming hearing sessions. All interested parties, especially participants, should be aware of its contents.
02 October 2023
The following document have been added to the examination library:
If you are participating in the hearing sessions for matters 7, 8, 9 and/or 10, please would you check that you are recorded properly on the draft hearing programme and inform the Programme Officer if any changes are required. Please note, only those listed on the hearing programme will be permitted to speak at the hearings.
01 October 2023
The following document has been added to the examination library:
This is the Council’s reviewed/ amended version of [INSP012] as discussed in hearings between 12 and 14 September. It is for information; the Inspectors are not inviting written comment on it. There will be the opportunity for discussion in relation to it under matter 9, Area-based policies [INSP004a].
29 September 2023
The following document has been added to the examination library:
Please be advised that along with Matter 4 now being held virtually, a reserve week has been added to the hearing programme for November 14th, 15th and 16th.
26 September 2023
Please be advised that Matter 4 Strategic Policies – employment and infrastructure Issue 1 and Issue 2 will be taking place virtually and not at Birkenhead Town Hall. The programme officer will send out electronic invitations to all participants.
If you wish to observe these sessions, then there will be a livestream made available and a recording of the sessions.
15 September 2023
The following documents have been added to the examination library:
11 September 2023
The following documents have been added to the examination library:
If you are participating in the hearing sessions for matters 2, 3 or 4, please would you check that you are recorded properly on the draft hearing programme and inform the Programme Officer if any changes are required. Only those listed on the hearing programme will be permitted to speak at the hearings.
24 August 2023
Please be advised that Addenda to Hearing Statements have been added to the Hearings Information page. Those who have made submissions should carefully check that they have been recorded correctly and contact the programme officer immediately with any queries.
The following documents have been added to the examination library:
08 August 2023
The following documents have been added to the examination library:
31 July 2023
The following documents have been added to the examination library:
If you wish to submit a response to documents WBC031 to WBC031e, please read INSP011 (in conjunction with INSP010) for instructions on closing dates, on whether you can submit an addendum and what criteria it must adhere to.
06 July 2023
The following documents have been added to the examination library:
If you wish to submit a response to documents WBC031 to WBC031e, please read INSP011 (in conjunction with INSP010) for instructions on closing dates, on whether you can submit an addendum and what criteria it must adhere to.
03 July 2023
The following documents have been added to the examination library:
WBC031 Response to Additional Document AD01 Viability has not yet been submitted.
30 May 2023
Please be advised that the examination library has been updated with the following document:
12 May 2023
Please be advised that the examination library has been updated with the following document:
03 May 2023
Matter 5 and 6 Programme Change
Please be advised that due to industrial action by union members in the Planning Inspectorate, the hearing currently programmed to take place on Wednesday 10 May, resumption of Matter 5, will instead be held on Thursday 11 May. As such the hearing for Matter 6 will now take place at 14:00 on Thursday 11 May. The hearings on Tuesday 9 May and the reserve day on Friday 12 May remain unaffected.
- Tuesday 9 May
09:30 Matter 5
14:00 Matter 5 continued
- Wednesday 10 May
No hearings / industrial action
- Thursday 11 May
09:30 Matter 5 continued
14:00 Matter 6
- Friday 12 May
Reserve for any residual matters 5 and 6 and administration
The invitation links will be sent to participants in advance of the hearings.
Please accept my apologies for any inconvenience this may cause you.
Accordingly, the Examination Library has been updated to include:
14 April 2023
Livestream Link for Day 1 of the Hearing Sessions
The first Hearing Session will commence at 10am on Tuesday 18th April.
To view a livestream of Day 1 of the Hearing Sessions, please follow the link below:
Livestream Link For Day 2 of the Hearing Sessions
Day 2 of the Hearing Sessions will commence at 09:30am on Wednesday 19th April.
To view a livestream of Day 2 of the Hearing Sessions, please follow the link below:
12 April 2023
The Inspectors have written a note setting out changes to block 1 hearing sessions [document ref INSP007]. A revised programme has also been published [INSP006a].
In summary, matters 2, 3 and 4 identified in their matters, issues and questions document [INSP004] will fall to the second block of examination hearings rather than the first. The second block of hearings will likely fall in September and beyond.
The reasons for that change are set out in the note, and the Programme Officer will be contacting all representors to inform them of that. The Inspectors apologise for any inconvenience these changes may cause participants.
The Examination Library has been updated to include:
Please would all interested parties note the changes to the timetable and programme.
If you are participating in the hearing sessions, please would you check that you are recorded properly on the draft hearing programme and inform the Programme Officer if any changes are required. Only those listed on the hearing programme will be permitted to speak at the hearings.
4 April 2023
The Examination Library has been updated to include:
INSP005a Draft Hearing Programme
INSP006 Draft Populated Hearing Programme
Please be advised that the dates and times have changed for some hearing sessions. Furthermore, some Matters have been broken down into Issues which include more precise timings. All interested parties should familiarise themselves with the updated timetable.
If you are participating in the hearing sessions and you have not confirmed to the programme officer who will be speaking at the hearings or the participant is listed incorrectly, please inform the programme officer immediately. Only those listed on the hearing programme will be permitted to speak at the hearings.
27 March 2023
Please be advised that Hearing Statements have been added to the Hearings Information page. Those who have made submissions should carefully check that they have been recorded correctly and contact the programme officer immediately with any queries.
27 March 2023
Please be advised that the Examination Library has been updated to include a number of documents, including:
7 March 2023
Please be advised that theExamination Library has been updated to include:
A copy of this letter has been sent to all representors. If you have not received a copy and believe you should have, please contact the Programme Officer immediately. Email:
3 March 2023
Please be advised that the Examination Library has been updated to include:
8 February 2023
Please be advised that the Examination Library has been updated to include:
31 January 2023
Please be advised that the Examination Library has been updated to include:
20 January 2023
Please be advised that the Examination Library has been updated to include:
20 January 2023
Please be advised that the Examination Library has been updated to include:
12 January 2023
Please be advised that the Examination Library has been updated to include:
5 January 2023
Please be advised that the Examination Library has been updated to include:
If you have not received this letter and believe you should have, please contact the Programme Officer –
3 January 2023
Please be advised that the Examination Library has been updated to include:
17 November 2022
The Secretary of State has appointed Inspectors, Mike Worden BA (Hons) Dip TP MRTPI and Tom Bristow BA MSc MRTPI, to hold an independent examination of the Wirral Local Plan 2021 - 2037.