West Kirby flood alleviation scheme
The 1.1km West Kirby flood wall, designed in collaboration with local residents and groups, will provide residents on South Parade and the surrounding areas with greater protection from potentially catastrophic flooding.
As well as providing a barrier from flood waters, the design of the wall – resembling a wave with a continuous curve – also incorporates timber-slat seating, memorial or celebratory plaques (including replicas of those previously in place on the promenade), access points and crossing spaces.
A refurbishment of the site of Old Baths opposite Hilbre Court, near to the RNLI lifeboat station, has provided a new public performance and exhibition space. It provides a new attraction on the promenade for locals and visitors to enjoy.
The promenade, road and footpaths have been resurfaced and a new dedicated cycle lane installed. Brand new street lighting infrastructure, with new cables and ducting, and columns, and modern energy-efficient LED lanterns have been installed. This new infrastructure will significantly improve the efficiency and appearance of the street lighting provision along South Parade.
New solar-powered bins have been installed to help manage litter and collection of it. The enclosed bins are the first of their kind to be installed in Wirral. They will use solar power to compact the waste and alert the council when they need to be emptied.
Watch the below video to see drone footage of the completed wall:
Will it be possible to purchase new commemorative plaques?
The final design for the structure will incorporate an area for commemorative and celebratory plaques. Details for purchasing plaques will be publicised on the council's website.
Is the promenade sloped?
There are slopes called crossfalls which are necessary to allow for water run-off. The crossfall of the promenade - from the existing lake wall up to the new flood wall - is part of the design of the scheme. It is to ensure the required minimum level of flood defence across the length of the promenade.
How will I access the promenade with the wall in place?
There will be a number of access points through the wall along South Parade. Each access point will be fitted with a flood gate.
Who will close the gates and when?
The council receives sufficient notice for flooding incidents and has an operational plan in place for closing and opening the gates. Our highways team will be operating the flood gates.
What about wheelchair access?
Each access point will be wide enough for wheelchairs; however the proposals also include for the modification of the promenade to incorporate a number of disabled parking bays.
What will happen if water gets over the wall?
Any water or spray overtopping the wall will have had its energy dissipated and will no longer travel as waves across the road and into property. Overtopped or surface water will drain using existing highway drainage.