To help ensure that complaints are dealt with quickly please report them to right area:
To find other services please use the search facility at the top of each page.
We appreciate complaints, compliments and other feedback as they help us to understand how we can improve our services.
Some complaints and feedback need to go through specific channels. Consider all the below options first and if you have still not been able to progress your issues, please complete the Complaints and Compliment form. It would help if you could tell us what you think we could do to resolve your complaint. Please complete the same form to send a compliment.
- complain or feedback about a councillor
- complain or feedback about a school
- complain or feedback about Adult Social Services
- complain or feedback about Children's Services
- complain about SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disability)
Complaints procedure
Wirral Council has changed the complaints procedure to a two stage process. We also introduced a vexatious complaints policy in line with best practice and most other local authorities.
Additional help and advice
Contact Citizens Advice.