You can only apply for Housing Benefit if you are in one of the following groups:
- people of state pension age
- people living in Specified Accommodation where care, support or supervision is provided by or on behalf of their landlord, and that landlord is a not for profit registered provider, charity or voluntary organisation
- people who have been placed in temporary accommodation by the Local Authority
When you make a claim for Universal Credit we will use your Universal Credit award notification to work out how much Council Tax Support you may be entitled to.
How to make a claim
To make a claim you can apply online. If you are not entitled to Universal Credit you can apply for help with your Council Tax by claiming Council Tax Support.
Make a claim online
Currently, a helpline is available for those who might need help filling in or making applications. If you need help with your application please phone the One Stop Shops team.
Things to remember when making a claim
- submit your application as soon as you move in
- answer all questions that apply or your entitlement cannot be worked out
- provide items of proof we ask for, as we cannot pay your benefit until we have seen it
- submit the form as soon as possible and send in proof later
- only complete one form if you are married or living with someone as though you are married. Your partner’s details are required
We try to prioritise the most important changes to make sure your Housing Benefit and Council Tax Support is correct and up to date. It may however take a few weeks to work out your entitlement at busy times.
It may be a good idea to tell your landlord when you have submitted your claim.
If you qualify for help we will contact you as soon as possible. We will also contact you if you do not qualify for any help.
If you need someone to make a claim on your behalf
We cannot speak to anyone else about your housing benefit claim unless you give us permission.
Give the council permission to speak to someone else about your claim
When does your benefit start?
Your benefit entitlement usually starts from the Monday after we have received your application form.
Average processing time
As long as you provide all information requested of you, we aim to process your claim within 6 weeks.
Help managing money and debt
Citizens Advice Wirral can offer help and advice if you are having difficulty paying bills or struggling with other debts.