Memorial benches

Memorial benches and other memorial items are available to buy through Wirral Council at multiple locations around the borough.

These locations include:

  • cemeteries
  • parks
  • streets

Find out how to buy a memorial bench in a park or open space

All bench styles must be consistent with the style of benches already in that area.

Dependent on the area you would like a memorial bench, you may be required to purchase the plaque. Please check this with the service to ensure you get the plaque in the correct size and material.

The position of a memorial seat or other item will be determined by council staff as it is dependent on need, availability and sometimes consultation with Wirral residents. Whilst we will try to locate a memorial seat or other item at a requested location, this unfortunately cannot be guaranteed.

The installation of a memorial item will be undertaken, or organised, by staff and this is included in the overall cost.

The maintenance of a memorial bench, if and when required, will also be undertaken, or organised, by the council. There will be an additional cost for this so please contact the team responsible for the area where the memorial is located to organise repair for a memorial bench or item.

The authority cannot accept any liability for any damage or loss of memorial items.

Memorial benches in Wirral's cemeteries

Memorial benches in Wirral’s cemeteries can be bought from Wirral Council.

To find out more call 0151 666 3001. Phone line is open from 10am to 12pm and 2pm to 4pm, Monday to Friday.

If you would like an existing memorial bench to be repainted, revarnished, please call us on 0151 666 3001.

Prices for memorial benches in cemeteries

A new bench will be in place approximately 16 weeks from the date of order.

Prices are for the lifespan of the bench (10 years) excluding maintenance and are subject to availability.

Memorial Bench Price
Provision of and inclusive of inscription - 4 foot £1,300
Shared memorial bench Please contact us for a price
Bench plaque £220
Bench maintenance Please contact us for a price

Dedicated benches on streets

Dedicated benches on streets can be bought from the council.

Request a dedicated bench on a street

This excludes benches on New Brighton waterfront which are organised with Wirral Older People's Parliament.

Prices for dedicated benches on streets

Charges are for the lifespan of the bench (10 years) excluding maintenance and are subject to availability:

  • 4-foot bench with inscription - £1,155
  • bench plaque - public to purchase and provide to the council

A new bench will be in place approximately 8 weeks from the date of payment. This depends on the location of the bench.

If you would like a bench in a place where there are no other dedicated benches, this may take longer. This is becasue the council must contact local residents. We need to make sure people do not object to having a memorial bench near their property. If there any objections, we will not be able to put a bench in that location.

Report a problem with a bench

Report a problem with a bench in a park, cemetery or the countryside

Report a problem with a bench on a street