Career progression after ASYE
Wirral Council supports its social workers to develop their careers. You can access training and mentoring to support your continued development.
The Career Progression Framework outlines the requirements to becoming an experienced social worker. For example, knowledge, experience, and enthusiasm to practice social work in Wirral.
You can apply to become an experienced social worker from 2 years after you qualify as a social worker. Planning for progression starts after completing the Assessed and Supported Year in Employment (ASYE).
Your application to progress to experienced social worker should tell us about you:
- how you meet the Professional Capabilities Framework
- how you have continued your professional learning and development
- how you support colleagues in their professional development
You must submit feedback from other professionals and provide 2 observed practices.
Your manager must agree that your practice is at the required level to make the application.
In this video, social worker Mike talks about his career progression after completing his ASYE.