Travelling in Wirral

According to ONS data in 2021, transport made up approximately 28.6% of the total CO2e (carbon dioxide equivalent) emissions for Wirral, with the majority being from road transport. Cars are one of the biggest causes of air pollution, which causes between 28,000 to 36,000 deaths in the UK each year. But what you might not know is that the air pollution experienced by drivers in traffic jams can be up to 140% times worse than for pedestrians!

In Wirral, we are aiming to make a complete transition to fossil fuel free local travel by around 2030.

To help achieve this, Wirral Council are looking to improve the borough’s infrastructure to increase residents’ accessibility to cycling and walking facilities as well as electric vehicle charging points.

The council, and its partners, continually apply for funding to support schemes that will achieve these objectives. Schemes, where suitable, then go through a public consultation process so that we can receive feedback from the people in the areas.

To find out more about Active Travel schemes in Wirral, visit the council’s Active Travel hub.

Ditch the car!

The best option to reduce your emissions from travel is to incorporate more walking, cycling and public transport to reduce your impact on the environment, improve you mental and physical wellbeing and save you money!

According to Professor Mike Berners-Lee, author of ‘How bad are Bananas?’, choosing to cycle short journeys is about 10 times more carbon efficient that taking an average petrol car. The Smart Green Journey app can help you to plan your journeys and track your carbon savings. The average app user can reduce their carbon by 44kg and save £20 per month!

To find out more about active travel check out our hub on the 'Have your say' website

Public transport can be a tricky one for many of us. There isn’t always a public transport option for getting around and commuting to work. But have you checked lately? You might be surprised at the options that do exist and it may be possible to use them for some of your journeys.


We understand that in some cases people need to drive a car, in those situations, it is best to drive as efficiently as possible. Using ‘eco-driving techniques, you can reduce the carbon and other emissions from your car just by changing some of your driving habits. This can be simple things like ensuring your boot is empty to reduce the weight of your car, checking your tyre pressure and driving smoothly to avoid braking. The AA has some more helpful hints and tips.

Car share

If you travel to work every day by car, why not see if you are able to share the journey and the cost with a colleague, or you could even try one of the many car share schemes such as Liftshare to find or offer a lift.


We all love a holiday, but flying to exotic destinations can be a biggie when it comes to your carbon footprint. A return flight from London to San Francisco can emit around twice the emissions produced by a family car every year! Even a return flight from London to Berlin emits three times the emissions saved from a year of recycling.

Aviation is becoming a lot more energy efficient, but the fact remains - if you really want to take a bite out of your carbon emissions, take fewer flights. Try short haul, or take less trips and go for longer.

Why not try exploring the beautiful landscapes that are on our own doorstep? Public transport such as trains and buses are best, but driving is still better than flying, especially if you factor in the other environmental impacts of high-altitude emissions as well as the direct CO2 emissions. Staycations are not only great for climate, but also cut out the costs for flying! You could even make use of the amazing opportunities on Wirral; have a look at Visit Wirral to find out more about things to do such as the Eureka! Science + Discovery Museum, visiting Ness Botanic Gardens, or try out the fun-filled Championship Adventure Golf