Wirral is endowed with stunning natural beauty, picturesque villages, a rich history and superb golf courses. With over 50 miles of rural walks, 20 miles of inviting coastline and award-winning accommodation, attractions and cuisine, it is becoming an increasingly popular choice with filmmakers and TV producers alike.
How much notice is required before filming?
The time needed to process your filming application or request varies depending on a number of factors such as:
- the size of your production
- the type of shoot
- whether you need parking suspensions
The general rule is:
- a minimum of five working days for small crews
- a minimum of four to five weeks for large crews and complex shoots
All filming on or around Wirral Council land, buildings, facilities and public highways will require permission.
How to apply for filming permission
Liverpool Film Office now deal with all filming applications on behalf of Wirral Council.
Using drones for aerial filming
The Liverpool Film Office has produced guidelines to help filmmakers ensure that any use of drones for filming is safe and legal. Please contact the Liverpool Film Office.
Filming fees
For parking charges, including costs of suspending bays, please contact parking.engineer@wirral.gov.uk
Fees apply for filming at Wirral Council's parks, beaches and countryside sites. To find out more please email allynoonan@wirral.gov.uk or call 0151 606 2293.
Fees apply for filming on Wirral's highways. To find out more, please email janehodgkiss@wirral.gov.uk or call 0151 606 4095.
Administration costs
Depending on the nature of the film shoot, if significant administration is required, for example relating to road closures, an additional charge may apply.
Depending on the nature of the project, a bond may be required in addition to fees.
Road closures and traffic management
Applicants who require a road closure must complete a request form. At least four to six weeks notice is required as there is a legal and consultative process to go through.
Applicants are responsible for the design, provision, maintenance and removal of all temporary traffic management, diversionary signing and the like.
Road closures are considered to be a last resort and will only be granted following a complete application and justification for closing a road.
Charges for road closures
Special event Temporary Traffic Regulation Order (TTRO) to close roads | £141.00 |
Authorisation of signing scheme and traffic management proposals | £247 (£141 if the application is submitted by the AA or RAC) |