Wirral Together Fund criteria and Terms and Conditions

The criteria and Terms and Conditions below relate to the Wirral Together Fund for the period 8 July 2024 to 31 March 2025.


Successful applications must meet the following criteria:

  • improve the well-being of the local community in the Borough or its environment or economy
  • a one-off expenditure with consideration given to future sustainability

Funding cannot be used to support

  • projects that would adversely impact the local community or environment, for example, funding a parade for a socially excluded body
  • projects that would undermine council approved priorities
  • existing, changing or decommissioned council services
  • mainstream activities, for example, core running costs or salaries, unless an organisation is within its first 12 months of operation, in which case core costs other than salaries may be considered
  • retrospective applications, for example, equipment, cannot be purchased before an application is submitted and approved
  • projects that are political in nature or campaign against the council or its agreed priorities or funding for lobbying
  • religious worship - applications are welcomed from religious or faith groups for projects that are designed to benefit the wider community. However, proposals that are deemed to promote a particular religion are excluded.
  • projects or proposals that would be unlawful for the council to support 
  • projects with on-going revenue or capital implications

Terms and Conditions

By applying for and accepting funding, you are deemed to have agreed the following Terms and Conditions:

  • funding will be used wholly for the purposes for which it was approved and within the timescale specified
  • financial support from Wirral Council’s 'Wirral Together Fund' will be acknowledged in any promotional material
  • it is mandatory to take photographs of the project (if appropriate), ensuring the necessary permissions have been obtained
  • you will be expected to use the official 'Wirral Together' logos in all promotional material relating to the project
  • when the project is completed, an outcome report will be completed and submitted to Wirral Council
  • receipts for all expenditure must be retained and available for inspection by Wirral Council. It is your responsibility to keep a record of all spend relating to the project.
  • if the project fails to take place, all funding will be returned to Wirral Council
  • any underspend will be identified and returned to Wirral Council
  • where required, all relevant health and safety requirements, Public Liability insurance, DBS checks, permissions from council departments, and any other relevant policies are in place in relation to this project