Dear Resident

Following last May’s local elections, when I became Leader of the Council, I was clear that as an authority, “we must be honest and realistic with our residents about the challenges we face”.
Like most councils across the country, our financial situation has been difficult, and we have had to make some tough decisions to put Wirral Council on a sound financial footing. This work continues, and we are continuing to make good progress. Although there is still some way to go, I am optimistic we can ensure the authority is in a better financial position to deliver the services you expect in the coming years.
I have also been clear from the outset that this authority must be able to seize all opportunities for improving life for everyone in this borough and bringing prosperity to all areas of Wirral. The council has secured significant funding for an ambitious programme of regeneration right across our borough.
Regeneration is not just about new buildings, roads, and infrastructure – although they are all incredibly important – it is about all our residents, young and old, creating opportunities, making Wirral a better place to live, bringing up our families, and enjoying what Wirral has to offer.
We have been working hard over the last couple of years to move these plans forward, and over the next few years, you can expect to see exciting changes to our borough’s skyline. Our regeneration plans focus on making Wirral an even more fantastic place for our residents, businesses, and those who choose to join us.
The next year will see us focused on delivering the best services possible for our residents and businesses of Wirral, making Wirral an even greater place to live, work and play.

Leader of Wirral Council, Councillor Paul Stuart