Our contact centre is very busy right now. Please use the website if you can, so the phone lines stay clear for those who need them. All working age claimants of Council Tax Reduction now pay a minimum of 17.5% towards their Council Tax bill. Please read the following for help:
Get money off your Council Tax bill
You can log in or register for an online account to apply for a Council Tax discount. You can also apply without signing up for an account. To do this click on 'Continue without registering' after you have clicked on 'Apply for a Council Tax discount' below.
Apply for a Council Tax discount or exemption
Please include your Council Tax reference number, which can be found on your bill.
Cancel a Council Tax discount or exemption
Single person discount
Your full Council Tax bill is based on at least two adults living in a property. If only one adult lives in the property (as their main home), the Council Tax is reduced by 25 per cent.
Single person discount review
Wirral Council regularly reviews all Council Tax customers who receive a Single Person Discount (25%). This is to make sure that the Single Person Discounts we have awarded are valid and our information is up-to-date.
Reviewing Council Tax discounts and exemptions
Wirral Council regularly reviews all customers who receive Council Tax discounts and exemptions. This is to ensure discounts and exemptions are still valid and our information is up-to-date.
These reviews may be carried out by email. Any surveys about your discount or exemption will come from ecitizenfinance@wirral.gov.uk. The email will contain a link for you to update or verify your details.
Discounts for people who aren't counted
The following people aren't counted when working out the number of adults who live in your home. If any of the following live in your home your bill may be reduced:
- full time students
- student nurses
- apprentices earning no more than £195 per week
- young people under 25 who get funding from the Skills Funding Agency or Young People’s Learning Agency
- foreign language assistants registered with the British Council
- live in carers who look after someone who isn’t their partner, spouse or child
- diplomats
- people who are severely mentally impaired (subject to qualifying criteria below)
- Qualifying criteria for the severely mentally impaired Council Tax discount (PDF, 88KB)
Full list of discounts for people who aren’t counted
Care leavers discount
If you have been in the care of Wirral Council (for instance you lived in a care home or were fostered) and are leaving care, you may be entitled to a reduction in Council Tax until you reach the age of 25. The amount of reduction you are entitled to may be up to 100%, depending on the number of people who live with you.
The reduction will apply from 1 April 2018 or whenever you became liable to pay Council Tax if after this date.
Disabled band reduction scheme
If there is a room or other extra space in your property that is needed by a disabled occupant, the disabled band reduction scheme may help you to get a reduction in your Council Tax. The reduction works out as being the next level down in the Council Tax band.
You may qualify for a reduction if your home has certain features which are essential, or of major importance, to the well-being of a person with a disability.
This person can be an adult or a child but must be resident in the property.
Council Tax Support
You may be able to get help with paying your Council Tax if you are on a low income. This is called Council Tax Support.
Find out more about Council Tax Support
Council Tax exemptions
Council Tax discounts and reviews
Reviewing Council Tax discounts and exemptions
Wirral Council regularly reviews all customers who receive Council Tax discounts and exemptions. This is to ensure discounts and exemptions are still valid and our information is up-to-date.
These reviews may be carried out by email. Any surveys about your discount or exemption will come from ecitizenfinance@wirral.gov.uk. The email will contain a link for you to update or verify your details.