Register to vote

You can no longer register to vote in the General Election on 4 July 2024.

Why register?

  • if you’re not registered you can’t vote
  • by law you must register or you could be fined up to £80
  • if you are not on the register you may find it harder to get a loan, mortgage, finance agreement, or even a mobile phone contract as the register is used by credit reference agencies

Who can register to vote?

In order to register to vote you must:

  • live in the electoral area
  • be at least 18 years old or due to become 18 during the registration period
  • be a British, Irish, Commonwealth citizen or citizen of a European Union country

The Elections helpline: 0151 691 8046

The Electoral Register

The Electoral Register is a list of everyone who is registered to vote. There are two versions of the register:

  • the Electoral Register
  • the open Register (edited register)

The Electoral Register lists the full names and addresses of everyone registered to vote. This information is used for election purposes and law enforcement.

The open register is an extract from the electoral register. It can be bought by any person, company or organisation.

It is mainly used by businesses and charities to confirm name and address details. The personal data in the register must always be processed in line with data-protection legislation.

Your name and address will be included in the open register unless you ask for them to be removed.

How can I remove my details from the open register?

If you would like your details removed from the open register please contact

Viewing the Electoral Register

You can view the Electoral Register, at any of the main libraries:

Representation of the People Act

Publication of the Revised Register of Electors

The new register was published on 1 December 2023. Copies of the appropriate parts of the register are available for inspection, during normal office hours, at:

The Electoral Services Office
1st Floor, Birkenhead Town Hall
Mortimer Street
CH41 5EU

Please call 0151 691 8046 for further details.

Electoral registration privacy notice