January 2025 update: We are only taking enquiries for financial assistance in respect of heating disrepair.
This may be a temporary measure and we will update this webpage with any further developments.
Wirral Council offers financial assistance (both grants and loans) to low income homeowners. This is for emergency repair work and can include essential heating repairs and other renovations necessary to adequately maintain your property. As an owner-occupier you must be receiving Council Tax Support to be eligible for the assistance.
Grant assistance is also available to tenants who are eligible. This can only be used for essential repairs and improvements to heating installations. As a tenant you must be receiving Council Tax Support to be eligible for the assistance.
Financial assistance is initially available in the form of a grant up to £10,000 for eligible owner occupiers and £5,000 for eligible tenants and includes the associated Land Registry search fee of £3.
The maximum amount of financial assistance that can be used to fund heating repairs or heating improvements, including the admin fee of £3 is £5,000.
Make an enquiry online or via email at privatesectorhousing@wirral.gov.uk. We will contact you to let you know if you are eligible for a financial assistance. If you are eligible, you will be able to make an application.
The council can offer owner-occupiers a loan that is paid back when the house is eventually sold or changes ownership. There are no monthly repayments. Loans are not available to landlords.
Loans for homeowners can be up to a maximum of £20,000 for major repairs or up to £10,000 for smaller scale emergency repairs. This loan assistance is in addition to the grant -funded works of up to £10,000, is only available to grant applicants and is not a stand-alone product.
All loans are subject to fees and charges that may be updated during the year and the council reserves the right to amend these at any time.
In 2024-25 these are as follows:
Loans of up to £10,000 have a Land Registry search fee of £3 and a legal fee of £20 to register the loan as a restriction at the Land Registry, making a total fee of £23 and total assistance available of up to £20,000, made up of a £10,000 grant and a loan of up to £10,000.
Loans over £10,000 and up to £20,000 have the following fees:
All loans are also subject to a redemption charge when the loan is eventually paid back, which currently stands at £112 but which may change in the future.
Please make an enquiry online to find out if you can get financial assistance. We will contact you to let you know if you are eligible. We will explain how you can apply.
Make an enquiry about financial assistance
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