Private Landlord Forum steering group terms of reference

Purpose of the Group

  • To develop a positive working partnership between the Local Authority, Private Sector Landlords and Managing/Letting Agents.
  • To promote good housing conditions and responsible letting/management practices in the private rented sector across Wirral by working together to improve the Borough’s housing.
  • To plan, co-ordinate and publicise the Private Landlords Forum.
  • To manage the future direction of the Private Landlord Forum.
  • To have an input into the Landlord Link-Up Newsletter.
  • To have commitment to Wirral Landlords Accreditation Scheme through the adherence of the standards and to actively promote the Scheme to Landlords and Agents within the Borough.
  • To receive reports on progress with Selective Licensing and comment on any proposals to extend/continue with Selective Licensing.
  • To identify and promote best practice to Landlords and Agents.
  • To identify funding and income generation opportunities to sustain Wirral’s Landlord Accreditation Scheme.

Membership of the Group

  • To comprise a maximum of 14 members of which 3 must be appropriate Local Authority staff.
  • Landlord and Agent representatives should ideally be members of Wirral’s Property Accreditation Scheme. Alternatively they should be a member of a recognised national accreditation scheme. They must not be the subject to legal action by the Council to improve housing standards or licensing issues (if appropriate). Any previous convictions or default works undertaken by the Council within the last five years in relation to housing standards or licensing will either prevent or require individuals to relinquish membership of the group.
  • Each member is entitled to one voting right.
  • Members must send apologies where attendance is not possible. Failure to attend 3 consecutive meetings may result in the Chair terminating their membership.
  • A representative of a recognised regional or national landlord organisation, such as the Nation Landlords Association (NLA) or Regional Landlord Association (RLA), may be invited by the group to attend meetings. Representatives are welcome to participate in meetings, however attendance does not confer a voting right.

Management of the Group

Meetings to be held a minimum of four times a year.

  • The Group to elect a Chair. This position to be held for 2 years and the Chair shall be elected for no more than three consecutive terms.
  • A Vice Chair will be elected using the same criteria as above.
  • Sub-Groups or Working Parties can be set up to carry out specific tasks on behalf of the Group.
  • No business shall be transacted at any meeting unless a quorum of 4 Steering Group Members is present; of which 1 must also be the Chair or Vice Chair.
  • Between scheduled meetings, and with the agreement of both the chair and vice chair, the group can discuss and debate matters and make decisions using emails, if deemed appropriate. The quorum above will apply to decisions made by emails. Any such decisions will be formally recorded at the next scheduled meeting.
  • A nominated Local Authority staff member will undertake secretarial and facilitation functions .

Chair’s Action

  • The elected Chair should be a Landlord representative. The Vice Chair will be a Local Authority representative.
  • The Chair, in agreement with the Vice Chair is authorised to represent the views of the Group where a response is required before a meeting can be reasonably conducted.

Equal opportunities

Members of the Private Landlords Forum Steering Group shall uphold equal opportunities and specifically prohibit any conduct, which discriminates on the grounds of nationality, race, ethnicity, gender, age, sexuality, marital status, disability or religion.