Landlord and tenant obligations

Tenants of registered social landlords

If you live in social housing, such as provided by a housing association, and you have an issue with your home or your landlord, then there is a process for them to manage your complaint which you may take to the Housing Ombudsman if you are not satisfied with your landlords response. Please contact your housing provider to make a formal complaint. Read information on how to make your complaint to your social landlord

Tenants of private landlords

If you rent your home from a private landlord, you should contact your landlord (or managing agent) to report issues in the first instance. This should be done in writing (for example, by email, text message, or letter) before you contact Wirral Council.

Private landlords have obligations to maintain the condition of a rented property. If you don’t feel your landlord is meeting their obligations for repairs or other issues in a reasonable time then Wirral Council may be able to help. On most occasions we can persuade your landlord to carry out necessary repairs voluntarily. If this fails, we may use legal powers to make them tackle the problem.

If you have reported issues to your private landlord and they have not taken action within a reasonable time then you can report the issues to Wirral Council below.

Report a problem about your landlord

Useful housing information and advice