If you live in Wirral, are unemployed or out of work, and require help with your application, please contact our employment and skills team - ReachOut:
- email info@involvenorthwest.org.uk
- phone: 0151 644 4500 or
- phone: 0151 652 4349
- visit www.involvenorthwest.org.uk
- find us on Facebook @Involve Northwest
Wirral Ways To Work Programme
The Wirral Ways to Work Programme supports eligible workless young people and adults to move into education, employment and training. It is funded by the Strategic Investment Fund (SIF) and Youth Employment Initiative (YEI) and is part of the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority Ways to Work Programme.
Wirral Ways to Work offers four different services aimed at different groups of people.
Wirral Worklessness Support Service
This service is aimed at adults aged 16-years-plus. It provides specialist job coaches who will support you into sustainable employment, including self-employment, on a one-to-one basis. Involve Northwest delivers the service with more than 20 weekly work clubs in community venues throughout Wirral.
Find out more about ReachOut work clubs
Wirral Careers Information Advice and Guidance service
This service is for eligible young people not in employment, education or training. It aims to raise the aspirations of young people and support you into employment or learning. Career Connect delivers the service, providing face to face guidance as well as telephone support and online access to services.
Find out more about Career Connect
Wirral Intermediate Labour Market Programme (ILM)
This programme offers employment grants to businesses who can demonstrate business growth to support the recruitment and employment of young people not currently in employment, education or training. Employment opportunities will be for a minimum of 7 months. Eligibility criteria apply.
This service is delivered by Wirral Council's 14 to 19 team.

Interested businesses and young people can find out more by calling 0151 666 5238.
Search for jobs
Search for jobs with 'Find a job'
The GOV.UK website provides information on:
- programmes and services available to job seekers
- jobcentre Plus
There are five Jobcentre Plus offices in Wirral. Find your nearest Jobcentre Plus office and contact details.
Careers advice
The National Careers Service provides information, advice and guidance to help make decisions on learning, training and work opportunities. This service is available for people aged 19 or over (18 or over if you're a Jobcentre Plus customer).