Reading Well Books help people to manage common conditions through self-help resources recommended by health experts and those living with these conditions.
Library members can borrow any of the resources in the collection. If you are not already a member, bring your ID to the library and you can join straight away or join online.
All books in the following collections are freely available at Wirral Libraries or from BorrowBox. All items will be loaned for an initial three week loan.
If you are interested in any title, search our catalogue to find which libraries it is located at, or to place your reservation.
Collections available
Reading Well Books include items about adult common mental health conditions including anxiety, depression, phobias and some eating disorders.
Reading Well for Teens to help them understand and manage their mental health and wellbeing.
Reading Well Mood-boosting Books is a national promotion of uplifting novels, non-fiction and poetry. People using the Reading Well Books may also like to try some mood-boosting fiction or poetry. These books are not prescribed, endorsed or recommended by health professionals.