Current applications and representations

A list of current applications and the upcoming deadlines for submitting representations can be found in the following document:

The Statement of Licensing Policy sets out the principles that Wirral Council will generally apply to promote the licensing objectives when making decisions on applications under the Licensing Act 2003.

Making a representation

Any person or business may make representations on premises licence applications or variations, premises licence reviews, representations in relation to club premises certificates and reviews of club premises certificates.

Complete the representation form and email to

Comments may be positive or negative, but will only be considered relevant by the Licensing Authority if they relate clearly to the licensing objectives:

  • the prevention of crime and disorder
  • public safety
  • the prevention of public nuisance
  • the protection of children from harm

We will reject comments considered to be frivolous (not serious or time-wasting) or if they relate to personal disputes between businesses.

In accordance with the Licensing Act 2003 the Licensing Authority must provide applicants with copies of representations received, this will include the personal details of individuals making representations. In exceptional circumstances, the Licensing Authority may consider requests not to provide personal details of persons making representations and may withhold some or all of the person's personal details from the applicant if that person has a genuine and well-founded fear of intimidation.