Charmaine Morrison, Practice Improvement team

My name is Charmaine Morrison. I started my career in Wirral as a Social Work Assistant. I worked in this role for 2 years whilst I completed my Social Work qualification. Both of my student placements were with Wirral. One of the placements was in the fostering service and one in an assessment team. Once qualified I gained a social worker position.
I later progressed to a team manager position. In 2018, I moved into an auditing role. This experience helped me to gain a position in the Practice Improvement Team which I now manage. I am a qualified Practice Educator and Practice Lead in the areas of child sexual abuse and private fostering. I also have a keen interest in pre-birth work and sit on our monthly pre-birth liaison panel. I work with the Wirral Safeguarding Children Partnership and sit on the case review and Quality Assurance Committees. I am a Link Officer for Research in Practice. I enjoy using and sharing their resources with practitioners to support good quality Social Work practice.
I have worked in Wirral for almost 20 years, and I am passionate about improving the lives of our children. When you join us in Wirral, you will have access to an excellent programme of training. The Practice Improvement Team will also be there to support you to develop in your role and career.