Road safety sessions in schools

Wirral Council adopts a lifelong learning approach to road safety.

Our road safety team delivers the message of 'Shared Roads, Shared Responsibility' through education to local schools on how to safely use our roads as a pedestrian, as a cyclist or in a vehicle. 

All Wirral schools are offered a Road Safety session for Early Years, Year 6, Year 7 and Year 10 pupils.

Year 5/6

Designed to support pupil's embarking on independent travel, this session can be delivered to pupils when in Years 5 or 6.

Year 7

Focuses on the main causes of road traffic collisions in this high-risk age group:

  • peer influence
  • distractions
  • risky behaviours
  • how to manage the increased risks safely

How to get to secondary school

Year 10

Raises awareness of the increased risks young people face as passengers when travelling in a vehicle with a young or novice driver and peers.  Students are offered information, coping strategies and guidance on making safer choices.

16 to 19 year-olds

Sessions are also available for 16-19 year-olds to highlight the issues young drivers face when they have passed their test and are most vulnerable. Topics such as drugs and alcohol, fatigue, speed, distractions and passenger influence are covered.

Resources for schools

We also have several resources available for schools which can be used to support interactive road safety campaigns, including speed devices and leaflets to raise awareness on the problems of parking around schools.

Modeshift STARS

Modeshift STARS is an accreditation platform that schools can access to promote and monitor active travel which have several benefits.  The platform enables schools to survey the school community on the current modes of transport to and from the site, and use this information to develop campaigns and initiatives to encourage modal shift away from the private car to healthier and more active ways to travel.

View further information about Modeshift STARS - Travel Plan in Education, Business & Communities

Initiatives include Scooter Training, Active Travel Weeks, Bling Your Ride days, as well as assembling a panel of pupils from the school to become Junior Travel Ambassadors. We are currently developing our Secondary School offer. 

The profile that schools build on Modeshift STARS forms a travel plan for the school and compiles all relevant travel information about the site, such as cycle storage, local bus routes and current pupil/staff numbers. 

Schools have free access to the Modeshift website and can begin the journey, please email if you would like to register an account. Alternatively, we have Active Travel Officers available to support schools with getting started and you can register your interest for support at the email address above.

Parking outside schools

Parking outside schools - road safety campaign

Download digital and print media assets for the 'Parking outside school 2022' campaign:

Contact us

For more information email