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Log in or create an account

Viewing planning applications on a larger screen will be easier. The site works on mobiles, but it will be difficult to view some of the documents on a smaller screen.

Searching for planning applications

Search all applications

Use the 'Planning applications' option to find any planning application that has been submitted to the council. You can narrow down your search by using several things, such as ward and date. The best results will be available if you know the application reference number.

Make sure you scroll down after you submit a search. The results will show below the search form.

Search the most recent planning applications

Use the 'Planning applications' link to search for the most recent planning applications.

Search for planning applications by week

Use the 'Weekly received' link to search for planning applications received in a particular week.

Search for planning decisions

Use the 'Weekly determined' link to search for planning permissions for a particular week.

View a planning application

Once you have searched for planning applications you will see a list of results, with a summary of each application. Click the 'View' button on the right to view the details of an application.

Each application will open in a new browser tab, so you can open several applications at once. To return to the search results select the search tab. From here you can select another application from your searched list. You can start a new search by pressing 'Clear' at the bottom of the search form.

The application detail is shown in the following sections:

  • application details
  • documents - this will include a map of the location of the application. click 'Download' to save and view a document.
  • make a representation - this is where you can make a comment. This section only shows for applications which are open for public comment.

Make a comment about a planning application

If you want to make a comment about a planning application you will need to log in or create an account. The account is only for this portal and is not connected to any other type of account available on

To create an account, on the page where you are viewing the planning application, click on the 'Click here to log in' link at the bottom of the page. On the next page click the 'Register here' link at the top-right. 

Once you have created an account, log in and click on the 'Planning' link. You will need to search for the planning application you wish to comment on. You can make a comment under Make a representation, at the bottom of the page.

Any comments and documents you submit will not be publicly available online. When you have finished, click the 'Submit' button at the bottom-right of the page. You will see a message to say your comment (known as a representation) has been submitted. You will also receive an email to confirm receipt.

What happens after I make a comment?

Commenters are not automatically informed of the decision about the application. Please refer back to each application for updates on the progress of the case. The Decision will be published in the Documents section on the application page.

If you cannot see any documents, or the ones you expected to see are not there, they might not yet have been made available by the case administrator. 

Click Download to view a document. You can search the page for documents using your browser. Press Ctrl and F to open a search box.

Make a complaint about someone who may have broken planning rules

Use the 'Submit enforcement' link to make an enforcement complaint if you believe someone has broken planning rules.

View everything you have submitted in your account

If you are logged in, you can use the 'My submissions' link to see everything you have submitted via your account.

Why do I need to register an account to make comments on a planning application?

We need to be able to identify anyone who makes comments on a planning application. This is why we ask for information about you. Setting up an account means that you do no need to enter these details again if you use any of the other services available via the account.

Keeping your information safe

Please do not include any personal details if you comment on a planning application. Our Data Protection Policy explains how we will use your data and how it will be kept secure.

Why is it not possible to email the case officer directly?

We use a team email address to make sure someone can deal with enquiries if the case officer is out of the office. This address is

I have a MyWirral account, can I use this to access this portal?

No, you will need to set up a separate account as the portal uses a different system to MyWirral.

I have a Planning Portal account, can I use this to access this portal?

No, you will need to set up a separate account as Wirral Council uses a different system to the national Planning Portal.

What to do if you  have registered an account but cannot login

The system will send a verification email to the address that you used to sign up. Your account will be active only after you have clicked on the link in the email to ‘Verify my account’.

What to do if you have registered an account but have not received the registration email

  1. Check that the email did not go into your junk mail folder
  2. After half an hour please check your inbox or junk folder again. If you still have no verification email it is possible that there was an error when you typed in your email address. 
  3. Try to re-register your account again. If your email is already on the system it will say that your email already exists. If this happens, request a password reset.

Can I find out who has commented on an application?

The portal does not share this information with the public.

How does more than one person comment if they share an email address?

If more than one person shares an email address, they can submit comments using the same account. Please make sure each person includes their name in the comment, to show that it is a different person submitting the comment.

Are there any limits to comments ?

You can type or paste text into the Comments text box. If you do copy text from another source, such as Microsoft Word, please use the option to paste as plain text only. The online form may reject your submission if it contains any special formatting such as bullet points.

What to do if you have logged in before but it does not work now

There are two likely causes, your password or a cookie problem.

How to reset a password

On the login page click on Forgot password? Enter and confirm your email address then click Send password reset email.

A cookie is a piece of data from a website that is stored on your device. If it gets corrupted, you need to delete it. Each browser may handle this differently. 

In Google Chrome:

  • go to Settings (usually at the top-right of browser)
  • click Privacy and security
  • click Cookies and other site data
  • type ‘online.wirral’ on the top-right of the page (not the ‘Search setting’ search bar)
  • will appear. Click on the bin icon to remove it.
  • try and log in again.

For other web browsers, search Google for how to remove a cookie from that browser.