When planning applications are submitted, there is a comprehensive system in place to ensure that proposals are publicised in order to invite comments from local communities.
We are required to publish specified information about all planning applications on our website for example, the address of the proposed development and when representations must be made.
Wirral Council will also post notices nearby and write letters inviting comments to those who live close to the proposed development, relevant stakeholders and interest groups. In certain cases, applications are also advertised in a local newspaper. For more information please read guidance on publicity for applications.
Details of the proposals, including architects' drawings will be available for inspection on our website.
Anyone can comment on the proposals. We will assess the relevance of comments and, in the light of them, may suggest minor changes to the application to overcome any difficulties. Please be aware that all comments received will be made available for viewing on the file and the stance and address will be published online. In addition, we will publish the consultation responses we receive from statutory consultees. We value the privacy of your data and we advise you to read the Development Management Privacy Policy.