Wirral Council has a duty to ensure that adequate provision is made for the preservation of trees and woodlands. It does this by making Tree Preservation Orders (TPOs) to protect trees which make a significant impact on their local surroundings.
Find Tree Preservation Orders in Wirral
A map showing Tree Preservation Orders is available below. Simply enter your street name, postcode or area to show Tree Preservation Orders on the map. Clicking on a Tree Preservation Order boundary on the map will display a Tree Preservation Order number.
View a full screen version of this map
Find out more about Tree Preservation Orders (TPO)
Find out more about the rules relating to trees in conservation areas
Pay online for a copy of a TPO
The fee from April 2021 is £41.
After making payment, please email the team at planningenforcement@wirral.gov.uk with an email address for us to send the TPO to.
Pay online for a copy of a Tree Preservation Order (select 'Other Payments' on the menu)
About the data
This dataset shows the locations of Tree Preservation Orders in Wirral.
- list of Tree Preservation Orders (csv)
- tree dataset (GeoJSON, 239KB)
- tree preservation zone dataset (GeoJSON, 239KB
The data is provided under the Open Government Licence.
When will the council make a Tree Preservation Order?
Where there is a threat to an important tree, the council can make a TPO to protect it. This comes into immediate effect and owners and interested parties will be advised. It will then be an offence to cut down, top, lop, uproot, wilfully damage or destroy the tree without the prior consent of the Local Planning Authority. The council has legal powers to prosecute offenders who disregard a TPO.
TPOs can be made to protect individual trees, groups of trees or areas of woodland. They can include hedgerow trees but not hedges, bushes or shrubs.
Working on a protected tree
If you want to carry out work on a protected tree, you will need to submit a planning application. If you intend to carry out works to trees on both your own land and neighbouring land, separate applications will be required.
Please read the guidance notes before you submit an application:
Apply to carry out work on a protected tree
The quickest and easiest way to apply to carry out work on a protected tree is through the government’s Planning Portal website. You will need to set up an account and select 'Tree Works: Trees in conservation areas or subject to TPOs' from the list.
You can also download and complete a paper planning application form (from the Planning Portal website):