Grange Road, Charing Cross and Grange Road West

Description of the scheme

The scheme at Grange Road/Charing Cross/Grange Road West is a key project in the Birkenhead regeneration programme to improve Birkenhead Town Centre.

The council have awarded the contract to Graham’s (John Graham Ltd) for the delivery of these works. 

The scheme will be delivered across three different areas:

1. Grange Road 

Grange Road will see new and improved paving and upgraded street furniture. The junction with Charing Cross, will also see increased enforcement of vehicles using the area outside of loading hours.

2. Charing Cross 

Charing Cross junction will have improved crossings and paving installed. 

3. Grange Road West 

A trial one-way system will be installed along part of Grange Road West, between the Charing Cross junction and Clayton Street. The one-way system will mean traffic will only be allowed to travel in a westbound direction. Coloured surfacing and planters will be used to identify the boundary between the new pedestrian area and one-way traffic from Charing Cross. 

As this part of the scheme is trial, residents will be invited to provide feedback following completion of construction.

Benefits of the scheme 

The scheme is designed to make the area a better, safer and a more connected place to live, work and travel. 

Works will focus on improving the accessibility of the area, making shopping areas more pleasant and improving the road safety on the areas.

As these works are a key element of the plans for the town and also fit in with the wider ambitious regeneration programme for Wirral’s whole Left Bank which stretches from Bromborough through Birkenhead, Wirral Waters, Seacombe and Liscard to New Brighton.

How the scheme will be funded 

The £2.9million scheme is funded by Wirral’s Future High Street Fund (FHSF) programme. 

In December 2020, the council was awarded £25 million from the then Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government for its Future High Streets Fund (FHSF) programme which included £2,969,245 for the Grange Road/Charing Cross/Grange Road West scheme. 


The contractor will be on site from 29 April 2024. 

The main works will begin in May 2024, and continue through to Summer 2025.

Background of the scheme

A public consultation (phase 1) on the outline design of the scheme was undertaken between 28 November 2022 and 22 January 2023. The results were reported to and approved at the Environment, Climate Emergency and Transport Committee on 24 July 2023.

A further statutory public consultation (phase 2) on the proposed Traffic Regulation Orders was then undertaken between 28 June 2023 and 19 July 2023 which was reported and approved by the Director of Neighbourhoods on 12 January 2024.

The Director of Regeneration and Place approved the award of the contract for highway and infrastructure works at Grange Road/Charing Cross/Grange Road West on 7 March 2024.