Lifelong Learning policies and procedures

Mobile phones

Your tutor might ask you to use your phone as part of your learning to find information, for example, to search websites or use the calculator. Please be aware that you should not be using your phone to text, email or chat during the class. Your tutor will discuss ground rules with you.

All mobile phones should be switched off or turned to ‘silent’ during learning sessions. Your tutor will tell you about this.

Learners should speak to the tutor about leaving phones on if they are expecting an urgent call.

Examination information for learners

We need to ensure that learners are entitled and sufficiently prepared to take an exam. We need to ensure that staff have adequate time to process an examination entry.

Tutors should include the scheduling of exams for individual learners in the ongoing administration of their course. It is a key part of tutor planning to schedule assessment activities for learners.

We need to ensure that examinations are carried out according to the protocol set down by the examination boards, and that papers are stored, transported, and mailed securely, and that results are processed systematically.

The examination policy

Section A - Registration

A learner must have completed an enrolment form, and the learner details must already be on the MIS Database in order to be eligible for an exam.

A learner must have tuition fees paid up to date prior to being registered for an exam, where applicable. The Examination officer must check this prior to Exam Registration.

The tutor must confirm that a learner is in a position where a successful result can be reasonably expected.

Section B – Invigilation of examinations

The invigilator should be a responsible member of the management, tutor or admin teams, preferably with previous invigilation experience.

The invigilator must refer to the specific requirements of the individual examination boards in good time prior to the examination and must adhere to all aspects of that policy. This will include spacing of students, timing of the examination, items allowed or not allowed in the room etc.

The invigilator or test administrator must be aware of any time concessions which have been allocated to an individual student. This information will be supplied by the exams officer.

Section C -  Processing of examination results

Examination results may arrive in the post or by email, normally to the Examinations’ Officer.  Results should be copied to the MIS Officer.

When information about results has been processed, the student may be informed of the result (results should not be given over the telephone) where result slips for students are sent by the board or a print out of the individual test result can be made by the Exams Officer.

Where certificates are the only source of evidence of results, they should be photocopied by the Exams’ Officer prior to being mailed to the student.

Malpractice and maladministration

This relates to suspected or actual malpractice and maladministration on the part of candidates, centre staff and any others involved in providing the qualification under consideration. It is also for use by Ascentis staff to ensure they deal with all malpractice and maladministration investigations in a consistent manner.

It sets out the steps a centre, learners or other personnel must follow when reporting suspected or actual cases of malpractice and maladministration and Ascentis’ responsibilities in dealing with such cases. It also sets out the procedural steps Ascentis will follow when reviewing the cases.


Maladministration is essentially any activity or practice which results in non-compliance with administrative regulations and requirements and includes the application of persistent mistakes or poor administration within a centre (for example, inappropriate learner records).


Malpractice is essentially any activity or practice which deliberately contravenes regulations and compromises the integrity of the internal or external assessment process or the validity of certificates. It covers any deliberate actions, neglect, default or other practice that compromises, or could compromise:

Statement updated December 2022.

Complaints statement

This policy links and cross-references with the MBW Corporate Complaints Policy.


A complaint can be made by any person using the service, at any time about something or someone they are dissatisfied with or about.

This policy must be followed if the complaint cannot be sorted out immediately and needs follow up action.

Any complaint alleging fraud or corruption must be brought to the immediate attention of the Director of Children's services.

Verbal complaints to the Lifelong Learning service will be noted by staff, and may be discussed with complainant. Staff will try to resolve problems where possible, but complaints will only be fully investigated when in writing (this can include email).

Lifelong Learning staff receiving a complaint should try to resolve the problem.

Tutors should bring any incidents, minor complaints, suggestions from learners to the attention of their managers, where they can’t immediately resolve the problem. If a complaint cannot be dealt with immediately by the tutor, the curriculum leader or the business support manager will be involved.

Admin staff will discuss any minor complaints brought to their attention, with the business support manager.

A written complaint received by administration, business support manager, or curriculum leaders, will be addressed in these steps:

Step 1

The business support manager will write or email the person making the complaint to confirm he or she has it and to tell him or her when a full response will be given. The person making the complaint must receive a reply within 14 working days, or be informed of the reasons for the delay.

Step 2

The business support manager will investigate and make a written report. This will often involve interviewing several people and recording their responses. In some circumstances he or she will require other staff to do some investigation and report back to him or her.

This may be done by:

  • discussion with any person named in the further discussion with the complainant by telephone, email, letter or in person
  • discussion with appropriate staff

Step 3

The business support manager will confirm that he or she has investigated the complaint and will give the official response, together with any planned action in response to the complaint.

If the person making the complaint is not happy with the outcome, the complaint will be passed to the head of service who decides whether to escalate the complaint to senior management.

A copy of each written complaint will be forwarded to the complaints team within our council department.

Anonymous complaints

These are dealt with as above, but instead of a reply, a note of the response should be kept in the main complaints file held at the Service HQ.


Details on how to complain are in the Learner Information booklet. There are several options to contact us.

Analysis and corrective action

Records of complaints will be looked at annually during the self assessment process to identify any patterns of dissatisfaction. Action will be taken to deal with the root causes of complaints through changing procedures, staff development and learner consultation.

We believe that this statement aligns appropriately with Wirral Council's complaints' procedure.

Appeals statement

Wirral Lifelong and Family Learning service is committed to enabling learners to challenge an assessment decision (within certain restrictions). This will help us to improve the quality of the service.

If you think your exam result or your assessment is wrong, you may be able to appeal.

Reasons to appeal

  • the way it was carried out, for example, not given enough time; notice; noisy; cold room and so on
  • the way it was marked

What you should do:

  • appeals must be in writing, fill in the comments and complaints form in the learner information pack; ask a member of staff if you need help
  • pass the form to Leasowe Centre or the admin team at the centre
  • we will work with internal staff then appeals panel or exam body to look at the appeal and decide what will happen next
  • you will get a response within 30 working days

What may happen

  • original mark or result stands
  • assessment or work is resubmitted
  • assessment is reconsidered
  • you will be told in writing the outcome of your appeal

Help with making appeals

We aim to ensure that the appeals process can be used by all learners, please speak to a member of staff if you would like help with an appeal.

Attendance and punctuality

It is important to attend every class and be on time in order to get the most from your course.

Wirral Lifelong Learning service aims to meet its objectives in optimising attendance and punctuality of learners participating in all courses, including subcontracted provision. It aims to provide a framework for consistent and effective management of learner attendance ensuring all learners are supported to be successful in their chosen area of learning.

If you cannot come in to your class for any reason, you must telephone us on 0151 666 3330 or email

Authorised absences

If a learner knows that they will be absent from a session, they should inform their course tutor or administrator as early as possible, providing a reason for the absence. This process should be discussed with learners during induction.

Unauthorised absences

If a learner does not attend a session and they have not been in contact with the course tutor or the administrator, we will contact the learner within 24 hours of the absence to find out the reason for non attendance. We may offer appropriate support to encourage the learner to resume course attendance.


Learners are expected to be on time for sessions and attend for the full duration of the session. This is to avoid disruption to the session both for individuals and the group. If a learner has a valid reason for on-going late arrival or early leaving and the session can be managed appropriately for both the individual and the group then the reason should be recorded on the register.

Punctuality is an employability outcome so it’s important to be on time.

Monitoring and improving learner attendance and punctuality

Support and guidance should be offered to learners where their general attendance and punctuality is having an impact on their success and/or having an impact on other learners within the group. Evidence of support or any action plan should be kept in the tutor file.


  • tutors will ensure all learners are aware of attendance and punctuality expectations and who to contact to report a reason for absence
  • learners will contact us to tell us if they cannot attend
  • reasons for absence will be recorded on the register
  • learners who are regularly absent or late for sessions will be offered support to discuss any issues with the opportunity to agree an action plan. Where an action plan is required it will be kept in the tutor file and reviewed at key points during the course
  • poor attendance and or punctuality may result in a learner being withdrawn from the course

Lifelong Learning subcontractors

For further information about our subcontractors policies and declarations, they are available to view below.