Eco schools

The Eco Schools programme help makes environmental issues become part of your school’s curriculum.

Becoming an Eco School provides the opportunity to:

  • Make environmental issues important to the life of the school
  • Help develop young people's decision making skills
  • Use curriculum materials and ideas for projects and events
  • Access a network of support agencies
  • Make links with other schools in the UK and Europe
  • Raise your school’s profile locally and nationally
  • Identify potential for financial savings

Eco Schools has an award scheme that encourages everyone in the school and its community to help make the school environment better. Schools can work towards a prestigious Bronze, Silver and Green Flag award for their efforts.

If you would like to become an Eco School or you are already registered, help and support is available from our Wirral Eco Schools Officer. You can email the Eco Schools Officer at

Find out more on the Eco Schools website