Free travel to school

Some children can qualify for a free travel pass to help them get to school. This can depend on:

  • the age of the child
  • distance to travel to school
  • evidence of low income
  • availability of a safe walking route
  • the child’s special needs or disabilities


To find out if your child is eligible read the Home to School Transport Travel Policy for children aged 5-16.

Read the Transport Statement for young people over 16

If you need further help or advice contact us on:

Apply for a school travel pass

Complete the form to make a first time application for a child aged 5 to 16.

Apply for a school travel pass

Transport for young people with a special educational need or disability

There is an assessment process for young people with Special Educational Needs or a Disability (SEND). Not every young person with SEND requires home to school transport in a vehicle. Parents may transport their own child to school;  some young people are able to access public transport.

Parents or carers of students with SEND who want to apply for specialised free transport assistance will need to complete and submit a travel assistance request form.

If you need help completing the form:

Independent Travel Training

Find out more about independent travel training for students with Special Educational Needs and or Disability.

Appealing against a decision

If your application for home to school transport has been rejected, you have the right to have this reviewed:

Read the Home to school transport appeal procedure

Download and complete the Home to School Transport appeal application (PDF, 76KB)