Secondary education information for parents - 14 to 19 schools

There are currently no 14 to 19 schools in Wirral, however there are two in Liverpool and one in Chester. The three schools are listed below along with a link to their websites, where you will also find information about the admission application process and the admission criteria.

University Technical Colleges

University Technical Colleges (UTCs) are set up by universities and businesses and specialise in one or two technical subjects. At GCSE they offer a similar curriculum to a typical secondary school, including basics of English and Maths as well as their specialist subject.

Studio Schools

Studio schools are similar to UTCs in that they have employer involvement in the curriculum and focus on developing the skills needed for employment, involving personal coaching and work experience, alongside a similar curriculum to a typical secondary school.

Information about numbers on roll and admission numbers has been provided by the individual schools and will be subject to change. Enquiries should be addressed directly to the school.

If you do decide that you would like to apply for a place at any of these schools, you will need to submit an application directly to the school (see websites for details).