Lists and registers

This section of our Publication Scheme covers information held in registers required by law and other lists and registers relating to the functions of the authority.

Public registers and registers held as public records

View registers of birth, death, marriage and civil partnership

Public information

Public Health Funerals

It is a legal requirement that when a resident in the area passes away prior to a hospital admission, and there is no one else willing or able to pay, the council will make the necessary arrangements for the funeral. This is known as a Public Health Funeral and the cost is covered by the council.

Asset registers and information asset register

An analysis of assets is included in our Annual Statement of Accounts

Disclosure logs

We do not operate a disclosure log of Freedom of Information requests.

Business Rates (NNDR) Data

Councillors' financial and other interests

View details of every Member's register of interests 

Gifts and hospitality for Councillors

View details of every Member's register of gifts and hospitality

Merseyside Community Risk Register

The Community Risk Register has been compiled jointly by the council and other emergency response agencies in Merseyside. It identifies any potential risks that may affect the communities of Merseyside and is subject to regular review.

We will continue to assess our internal documents to determine when it is appropriate to make something routinely available as a publication. Any such document that is not currently published can be requested under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 by contacting