Council Plan - Delivering the plan

The whole organisation will be brought together by - and committed to - making sure the actions in this plan are carried out.

The Council Plan is underpinned by clearly defined Strategies; Policy Committee Work Programmes; Directorate Business Plans right through to individual staff appraisals and ‘check-ins’ to ensure that everyone clearly knows their role in helping to deliver the plan. To help us achieve our vision and aims, there are some important cross-cutting strategies underpin how we deliver the Council Plan – not least the Local Plan 2027 which is the longterm statutory document for Wirral and an important planning document that shows what can be built, where, how and why.

The Council Plan is underpinned by a strong and robust Performance Monitoring Framework and reporting process to ensure we can monitor and communicate how we are doing.

We will publish information to show whether the council is achieving its priorities and delivering the outcomes we expect – how much we are doing; how well we are doing; and what difference we are making. The council recognises the concerns of residents and remains determined to get the basics right.

To achieve our future vision for Wirral it is imperative that political leaders, the senior management team and staff at all levels work together as part of a powerful coalition for change. This will enable Wirral to continue its trajectory of improvement and modernisation, transforming Wirral Council into an organisation that has a clear long-term strategy for moving forward. The delivery of sustainable change and outcomes will be paramount in creating the Wirral we want to become and will be key drivers in helping us to deliver our vision.