Timetable for primary school admissions
Admissions to Foundation 2 - September 2025
1 September 2024
Literature and application forms will be available from the council, from schools and other outlets for admissions in 2025. The online application system goes live.
15 January 2025
This is the last day that applications will be accepted by the council and not treated as late.
16 April 2025
Offer letters and emails for all schools’ Foundation 2 places for September 2025 will be sent by the Council.
May 2025
Late applications will be considered and appeals to be submitted (date to be confirmed).
May to July 2025
Appeals to be heard and decided.
September 2025
Children begin school in Foundation 2.
Admissions to Foundation 2 - September 2026
1 September 2025
Literature and application forms will be available from the council, from schools and other outlets for Admissions in 2026. The online application system goes live.
15 January 2026
This is the last day that applications will be accepted by the council and not treated as late.
16 April 2026
Offer letters and emails for all schools’ Foundation 2 places for September 2026 will be sent by the council.
May 2026
Late applications will be considered and appeals to be submitted (date to be confirmed).
May to July 2026
Appeals to be heard and decided.
September 2026
Children begin school in Foundation 2.