After you apply for a primary school place

If we need more information

We may need more information to process your application. If so, we will email you.

Offer of places

You will receive your school place offer on 16 April or the next working day. 

The place offered will automatically be accepted. If you do not want to accept an offer you must tell the Admissions team by 30 April.

It is possible your child will not be offered a place at a school which you named as a higher preference. This will be because the school was oversubscribed. In this case we cannot offer places to everyone who applied. The school’s admission criteria were used to decide which pupils could be offered places.

It may not be possible to offer a place at any of your preferred schools. In this case you will be offered a place at the nearest school that had a space available.

If your child no longer needs a Wirral school place, please let us know by email as soon as possible. Please tell us what alternative arrangements you will be making.

Continuing interest lists

Your child may be offered a school that was not your first preference. In this case they will be added to the continuing interest list for their higher ranked schools.

You can ask for your child to be considered for a school which was not on your application, or was a lower preference. You need to tell us this by 30 April by email.

If a place becomes available, it will be allocated to a child on the list. The school's admission criteria will be used to decide which child is allocated a place.

If your child is next on the list, you will be contacted. The list will be held open until the end of the Autumn term.

Appeals against a school admission decision

If you are not satisfied with the school offered to your child, you can appeal.

Find out how to make a school admissions appeal

Late Applications

The deadline for applications is 15 January. Late applications will be dealt with after places have been offered to those who applied on time.