Secondary school admissions timetable

Admissions to Secondary School in September 2025

1 May 2024

Online registrations for selective assessments for entry to non-Catholic grammar schools in September 2025 opens.

31 May 2024

Deadline for registrations for selective assessments for entry to non-Catholic grammar schools.

1 September 2024

Literature and application forms will be available from the council, from schools and other outlets for Admissions in 2025. The online application system goes live.

September 2024

Assessments for grammar schools are expected to be carried out. The non-Catholic grammar school assessment for entry in September 2025 will be held on Monday 16th September 2024.

21 October 2024

Non-Catholic grammar school assessment results are sent to parents.

31 October 2024

Online applications and preference forms must be returned by this date.

3 March 2025

Email offers are sent to online applicants.  Offers of school places for paper form applicants are posted second class on this date.

31 March 2025

Appeals to be submitted by this date.

May to July 2025

Appeals to be heard and decided.

September 2025

Children begin secondary school in Year 7.

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Admissions to Secondary School in September 2026

1 May 2025

Online registrations for selective assessments for entry to non-Catholic grammar schools in September 2026 opens. 

31 May 2025

Deadline for registrations for selective assessments for entry to non-Catholic grammar schools.

1 September 2025

Literature and application forms will be available from the council, from schools and other outlets for Admissions in 2026. The online application system goes live.

September 2025

Assessments for grammar schools are expected to be carried out.

21 October 2025

Non-Catholic grammar school assessment results are sent to parents.

31 October 2025

Online applications and preference forms must be returned by this date.

2 March 2026

Email offers are sent to online applicants. Offers of school places for paper form applicants are posted second class on this date.

End of March 2026 (exact date to be confirmed)

Appeals to be submitted by this date.

May to July 2026

Appeals to be heard and decided. 

September 2026

Children begin secondary school in year 7.