Primary education information for parents - Primary school waiting lists and appeals
Appeals against admission decisions
If you are not satisfied with the school offered to your child, you can appeal. Appeals are heard by an independent appeal panel. The appeal panel’s decision is final and cannot be changed by the Corporate Director for Children, Families and Education, or in the case of an aided or academy school, by the governors.
You can get more details of the appeals procedure from the Admissions Portal on our website or from The Clerk to the Independent Appeals Panel:
Phone: 0151 606 2000
Waiting lists
Once all the appeals for Foundation 2 places have been heard during the summer term the Mainstream Admissions team will write to parents who have not been successful at appeal and invite them to join the waiting list for their preferred school.
If places become available at schools between then and the end of the Summer Term, they will be allocated to children whose parents have either appealed or who have expressed a continuing interest in a place at the school concerned. They will be offered to children following the same criteria as when places were originally offered. The Department will take into account any significant change of circumstances put forward by you since the original preference form was completed. If places become available during the Autumn Term they will be allocated by the Local Authority from the waiting list with priority given in accordance with the criteria used for the initial allocation. The waiting list will be kept until the end of the autumn term, December 2024.