Secondary education information for parents - Education after age 16

Post-16 education in Wirral is provided by sixth forms in some schools, Birkenhead Sixth Form College and Wirral Metropolitan College.

Details of sixth-form education in other Wirral schools can be found on the individual school’s websites.

Financial assistance for 16 to 19 year olds

You could get a bursary to help with education-related costs if you’re aged 16 to 19 and studying at school or college (not University) or on a training course, including unpaid apprenticeship.

  • There are bursaries of up to £1,200 a year for the most vulnerable young people. This includes children in care, care leavers and those on income support. Schools and colleges will have flexibility to pay more to young people who need it.
  • For all other young people, schools, colleges and training providers will then be able to award bursaries to any student who faces genuine financial barriers to staying on in education and training to help with costs such as transport, food or equipment. The amount they will get is entirely down to their school or college.

You can get more information about the 16 to 19 bursary scheme from your school, college or the government website.