Secondary education information for parents - School meals and clothes

School meals

Wirral’s secondary schools have cafeterias providing school meals with a wide variety of choice. It is the governors’ responsibility to provide free and paid-for meals facilities and to meet nutritional standards. These ensure that children are provided with a healthy, balanced diet.

Free school meals are available if the parent or guardian is in receipt of Income Support OR Universal Credit OR Income-based Jobseekers Allowance OR Income Related Employment and Support Allowance OR Guaranteed State Pension Credit OR support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999 OR Child Tax Credit with a total annual taxable income of LESS than £16,190 but NOT receiving Working Tax Credit. There is now a new way to claim free school meals for children. To claim free school meals contact your child’s school to sign up to the free online system.

School clothes

Children are expected to dress neatly for school. Secondary age children do not need to wear a school uniform, but many schools ask children to wear a type or colour of clothing that is associated with the school. However, as the Local Authority does not ask for this, the council does not provide a grant towards buying school clothing. Some schools will offer free or low cost uniform items. Wirral F.U.S.S distribute free good quality recycled uniforms.