Secondary education information for parents - Waiting list and appeals

Appeals against admission decisions

If you are not satisfied with an allocation you have a right to appeal. Appeals are considered by an Independent Appeals Panel established under the Schools Standards and Framework Act 1998. The decision is binding on us or the governing body of the school concerned. You should lodge your appeal within four weeks of receiving your allocation wherever possible.

Appeals for places at Birkenhead High School Academy, Calday Grange Grammar School, St. Anselm’s College, St John Plessington Catholic College, The Co-Op Academy Bebington, Pensby High School and Upton Hall School FCJ are considered by Independent Appeals Panels established by the school’s governing body. Appeals arrangements for those schools should be obtained directly from the school concerned.

For all other Wirral schools you can appeal online.

Find out more the appeals procedures

You can also contact the Clerk to the Independent Appeals Panel at

If you have applied for a place at a school outside Wirral and wish to appeal the decision not to allocate a place, you should contact the relevant local authority for information on their appeals procedures.

Waiting lists for schools

Any child who was not able to be offered a place at a higher ranked preference within the borough will automatically be placed on the school’s waiting list.

Parents wishing to register a continuing interest in a school which had not previously been given as a preference, or which had been a lower ranked preference than the offered school, should do so by sending an email to including the child’s name, date of birth and the requested schools.

Children cannot be added to the waiting list for a grammar school if the child did not reach the standard for entry, details of how to appeal will be on the offer email/letter.

The continuing interest list will consist of those children who were not able to be offered a place at the school and those for whom an appeal form has been received, together with any late applications/requests. The continuing interest is only ranked if/when a place has become available and is re-ranked each time this takes place.

Autumn Term – Waiting lists for community schools

If places become available during the Autumn Term they will be allocated from the waiting list with priority given in accordance with the criteria used for the initial allocation.

We will cease to hold the waiting list at the end of the Autumn Term.

All other schools will have different arrangements for their waiting list and you should contact them directly for more information.