Secondary education information for parents - Wirral Attendance Team

Attend Today, Achieve Tomorrow.

Good school attendance is an essential element to our ambition to raise standards and secure best outcomes for all children and young people. Our attendance team work in collaboration with schools and partner agencies to improve attendance levels in Wirral’s Schools and fulfil legal statutory responsibilities.

As well as its duties linked to school attendance, the Service has responsibilities in relation to Children Electively Home Educated (EHE), Traveller Children, Children Missing from Education (CME), Child Employment and children involved in performances and entertainment. This includes dealing with enquiries from the public, schools, Local Authority colleagues, and other agencies both on the telephone and in person.

Whilst we recognise that regular school attendance is a parents responsibility; in cases where poor school attendance and punctuality is a safeguarding matter and where all offers of early help and targeted support are not able to ensure a child attends school regularly, it may be necessary for school to work together with the Local Authority Enforcement Officer to enforce the law around school attendance.

You can get further information from:

Attendance Team
Phone: 0151 666 3433