Primary education information for parents - Primary schools classification
There are several different types of primary school.
Community schools
Community schools are ‘non-denominational.’ In other words, they are not linked to a particular religion. The school’s governors are responsible for running the school but the Local Authority deals with the school’s admissions.
Voluntary-controlled schools and voluntary-aided schools
Voluntary schools are funded by the Local Authority but are linked to a particular religion (for example, Church of England or Catholic).
In Wirral there are 2 different types of voluntary school:
- Voluntary-controlled schools have passed control of the school to the Local Authority but they have kept a connection with the Church of England. The school’s governors are responsible for running the school, but admission arrangements are the Local Authority’s responsibility.
- The governors of Catholic and Church of England voluntary-aided schools are responsible both for running the school and for their own admission arrangements.
You can get more information about voluntary
schools from:
- Diocesan Director of Education, Chester Diocese
(Church of England schools)
Phone: 07540 722 667
- Director of Education, Shrewsbury Diocese
(Catholic schools)
Phone: 0151 652 9855
Academy schools
The governors of Academy schools are responsible both for running the school and for their own admission arrangements. For more information, contact the school. The Local Authority co-ordinates preferences for places in Foundation 2 on behalf of the Academy schools.
Applications for places in the nursery class should be made directly to the Academy. The Local Authority co-ordinates preferences on behalf of all schools.