Primary education information for parents - Birkenhead High School Academy for Girls
Published: 2 September 2024
If the number of applications exceeds the places available, Birkenhead High School Academy will rank applications using its own set of priorities. In brief, these are:
- Looked After Children or previously Looked After Children
- Girls who attend the Academy’s nursery
- Girls with older sisters attending the school on 1 September of the year they start Foundation 2
- Girls whose parent/s are currently Teaching, Administrative, Support Staff at the Academy and have been employed for over two years
If more applicants meet the last three criteria than there are places, Foundation 2 places are then assigned in a random order. The Academy does not rank applications based on nearest distance to the school, or on order of preference. Full details are available from the school’s website and are detailed in the supplementary booklet available online or on request.
Phone: 0151 652 5777