Adult Social Care Co-production Strategy 2024 to 2029


The Co-production Strategy meets the aspirations and actions of the Wirral Working Together: A Council Plan for 2023-2027.

The Council Plan translates our vision Working together to promote fairness and opportunity for people and communities into deliverable organisational actions, providing clarity on what will be delivered and when. In simple terms, it highlights the practical steps that we as an organisation will take to turn our ambitions into reality. 

The work around Co-production will play an important part in implementing the plan and could contribute to all the themes highlighted in the Plan. 

Theme 1 - Working Together to create a more efficient, effective and accessible council.

Theme 2 - Working Together to improve early help for children and families. 

Theme 3 - Working Together to promote independence and healthier lives. 

Theme 4 - Working Together to deliver people-focused regeneration. 

Theme 5 - Working Together to protect our environment. 

Theme 6 - Working Together to create safe, resilient, and engaged communities. 

A set of guiding principles have been established that shape how we will develop the Council as an organisation to implement the plan. 

Underpinning Principles

Working to local priorities, using local resources to ensure Wirral residents receive the best possible services. Again, the values and practices highlighted in the Co-production Strategy could potentially contribute to all the principles outlined below:

Independence - Enabling individuals, families, and communities to help themselves and each other. 

Joined Up Design - ensuring our services are accessible, person centric and joined up. 

No one left behind - inclusive services which recognise the different needs of residents, families, and communities. 

Regeneration - investing in infrastructure and supporting businesses to provide a thriving economy and opportunities for all.

Prevention - working to address the causes of inequalities and demand on council services and ensuring we provide the right support at the right time. 

Relationships - working with residents’ partners businesses and communities for a better Wirral. 

The strategy has been co-produced with a stakeholder group, including Carers, people who use services, officers of the Council, and staff from local organisations, between August 2023 and February 2024.