Adult Social Care Co-production Strategy 2024 to 2029 - What makes Co-production different?

What makes Co-production different?

Sometimes it is difficult to spot the difference between co-production and other types of interaction. Our top tip is to look for whether people who draw on services and professionals seek to work together as equals as much as possible throughout a project or initiative - and respect the unique contribution that each can bring.

  • People co-producing should feel that they have shared responsibility. This means the providers of a service doing things with people - not doing things for or to them.

Doing to

Doing for

Doing with or together

The citizen has no choice or control

The citizen has no choice or control

The citizen has choice and control

No participation

Limited participation Cared for - not involved

The citizen actively participates

The people may feel helpless

Cared for - not involved

The citizen is able to contribute skills and knowledge

Loss of community

Skills and knowledge wasted

The community develops