Adult Social Care Co-production Strategy 2024 to 2029 - The Interaction Ladder

The Interaction Ladder

All the steps represent some form of interaction, with different relationships at each level. However, collaboration in some form only exists in part of the continuum.


Doing with or together

Co-production is an equal relationship between people who use services and the people responsible for services. They work together, from design to delivery, sharing decision-making about designing services as well as decisions about the best way to deliver them.


Doing with or together

People who use services are involved in designing services, based on their experiences and ideas. They have genuine influence but have not been involved in ‘seeing it through’.


Doing for

Compared to the consultation step, people who use services are given more opportunities to express their views and may be able to influence some decisions, but this depends on what the people responsible for services will allow.


Doing for

People who use services may be asked to fill in surveys or attend meetings; however, this step may be considered tokenistic if they do not have the power to influence or affect change.


Doing for

People responsible for services inform people about the services and explain how they work. This may include telling people what decisions have been made and why.


Doing to

People who use services are helped to understand the service design and delivery so that they gain relevant knowledge about it. That is all that is done at this stage.


Doing to

People who use services may be invited to attend an event about services. Their views are not considered important and are not taken into account.