Adult Social Care Co-production Strategy 2024 to 2029 - Co-production


In the context of public services, co-production is an asset-based approach that enables people providing and people receiving services to share power and responsibility, and to work together in equal, reciprocal, and caring relationships. It enables people to access relevant and meaningful support when they need it; services to be effective and make a positive difference in people’s lives; and people, services, and communities to become more effective agents of change.

Co-production is a specific kind of community engagement, which represents a transition from doing things ‘to’ and ‘for’ people, to doing things ‘with’ people. It is explicitly referenced in the Care Act 2014.

How we know it’s co-production: it’s a mindset and way of working underpinned by the following 5 values:

1. Valuing all participants and building on their strengths.

2. Working in networks and across silos.

3. Doing what matters for all the people involved (outcomes focus).

4. Building trusted relationships and sharing power.

5. Enabling people to be change makers.